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Personalized Care Coordination at Your Fingertips: Enhancing your access to healthcare services and experiencing significant reduction in hospital readmissions.

Helping You Connect to
Care Providers Smoothly with RE-Assist

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RE-Assist empowers care coordinators and individuals by streamlining the healthcare journey.

By addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), we ensure every decision is informed and personalized, making high-quality care accessible. Our platform reduces complexities and supports optimal health outcomes.

Key Features

Advance Search and Filter 

Comprehensive EHR Access

Predictive Health Insights

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Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to data-driven decision-making! Revolutionize your healthcare facility's efficiency and profitability with our ROI calculator today.


RE-Assist truly made a difference in my healthcare journey. With its support, coordinating appointments, accessing resources, and staying informed became effortless. I felt empowered and well-supported throughout my treatment. Thank you, RE-Assist, for making my healthcare experience smoother and more manageable


With RE-Assist, I was empowered to address Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) more effectively. The platform provided invaluable insights and resources, enabling me to take a comprehensive approach to patient care that considers the broader social  factors influencing health outcomes


Staff appeared more understanding and willing to assist patients. The platform facilitated smoother communication and access to relevant patient information, fostering a more patient-centered approach to care.


RE-Assist has completely transformed my role as a care coordinator. It simplifies every aspect of resource coordination. With RE-Assist, I can efficiently manage tasks, access patient data, and coordinate care seamlessly. This tool has saved me valuable time and empowered me to provide higher-quality care to those I serve.

Start Your Smooth Journey to Better Health - Request a Demo

Connect with us to see how RE-Assist can revolutionize care coordination or assist in your personal health management.

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